LiliF® MDV Nested PCR Kit
Background Information
Marek’s disease is one of the most ubiquitous avian infections; it is identified in chicken flocks worldwide. Every flock, except for those maintained under strict pathogen-free conditions, may be presumed to be infected. Although clinical disease is not always apparent in infected flocks, a subclinical decrease in growth rate and egg production may be economically important.Typically, affected birds show only depression before death, but a transient paralysis syndrome has been associated with Marek’s disease; chickens become ataxic for periods of several days and then recover. This syndrome is rare in immunized birds.
LiliF™ MDV Nested PCR Kit is able to detect directly and specifically MDV by CLP™ technology and Maxime™ technology on the basis of a genetic database of target nucleic acid fragments. Therefore, this kit can diagnose very sensitive, fast and accurately. The kit contains a specific primer set for a highly conserved region based on current sequence alignments of MDV, allowing the RNA detection. It can determine the infecting all serotype and accurately and sensitivity detect multiple detection genes at one time using the conventional PCR method, and take only 3 hours for detection. Fast and sensitive detection of pathogen enables patients to get appropriate treatment and prevent the rapid spreading of disease by separating patients immediately.
• This product is a qualitative PCR testing product with CLP™ technology which provided flexibility in Tm (melting temperature) of primer design for optimization of reaction condition, and maximizes PCR specificity and sensitivity through the control of non-specific priming.
• The assay is a 2-step nested RT-PCR that discriminates MDV in one reaction. The assay is composed of two principal steps: (1) nucleic acid extraction from specimens, and (2) amplification of the target extracted nucleic acid fragment using specific primers pair.
Intended Use
• For Research Use Only, Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
• This kit is developed, designed, and sold for research purpose only. It is not intended to be used for human or animal diagnosis of diseases. Prior to using it for other purposes, the user must validate the system in compliance with the applicable law, directives, and regulations.
• This product is research reagent of infectious disease for professional use to restrict the public use for animal diseases.
- Categories : PCR Kits, Diagnostic Use, Animal Diagnostics