Background Information

Avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) is a coronavirus which infects chickens, causing the associated disease, infectious bronchitis (IB). It is a highly infectious avian pathogen which affects the respiratory tract, gut, kidney and reproductive systems of chickens. There is also evidence that IBV can infect other avian species. IBV affects the performance of both meat producing and egg producing chickens and is responsible for substantial economic loss within the poultry industry. IBV is a coronavirus, in the genus Gammacoronavirus, or group 3, with a non-segmented, positive-sense single-stranded RNA genome. When inhaled, virus will attach to glycoprotein receptors containing sialic acid on ciliated epithelial cells of the respiratory epithelium. The respiratory replication will result in loss of ciliary activity, mucus accumulation, necrosis and desquamation, causing respiratory distress, râles and asphyxia. Local virus replication will result in viremia, spreading the infection into other tissues and organs. Other respiratory diseases of chickens (Mycoplasma gallisepticum, avian infectious laryngotracheitis (Gallid herpesvirus 1), Newcastle disease (avian paramyxovirus 1), avian metapneumovirus infection may be confused clinically to infectious bronchitis.

LiliF™ IBV RT-PCR Kit is able to detect directly and specifically Avian infectious bronchitis virus by CLP™ technology and Maxime™ technology on the basis of a genetic database of target nucleic acid fragments. Therefore, this kit can diagnose very sensitive, fast and accurately. The kit contains a specific primer set for a highly conserved region based on current sequence alignments of Avian infectious bronchitis virus, allowing the RNA detection. It can determine the infecting all serotype and accurately and sensitivity detect multiple detection genes at one time using the conventional RT-PCR method, and take only 2 hours for detection. Fast and sensitive detection of pathogen enables patients to get appropriate treatment and prevent the rapid spreading of disease by separating patients immediately.


• This product is a qualitative RT-PCR testing product with CLP™ technology which provided flexibility in Tm (melting temperature) of primer design for optimization of reaction condition, and maximizes PCR specificity and sensitivity through the control of non-specific priming.

• The assay is a RT-PCR that discriminates Avian infectious bronchitis virus in one reaction. The assay is composed of two principal steps: (1) nucleic acid extraction from specimens, and (2) amplification of the target extracted nucleic acid fragment using specific primers pair.

• The assay can be detect Avian infectious bronchitis virus by one-step RT-PCR from allantoic fluid.

Intended Use

• For Research Use Only, Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

• This kit is developed, designed, and sold for research purpose only. It is not intended to be used for human or animal diagnosis of diseases. Prior to using it for other purposes, the user must validate the system in compliance with the applicable law, directives, and regulations.

• This product is research reagent of infectious disease for professional use to restrict the public use for animal diseases.

  • Categories : PCR Kits, Diagnostic Use, Animal Diagnostics

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