Sabouraud Dextrose Agar EP/USP/ISO

Sabouraud Dextrose Agar EP/USP/ISO

  • Size : 500 g

Sabouraud Dextrose Agar EP/USP/ISO is a key medium in veterinary microbiology labs. This agar provides an optimal environment for cultivating fungi from animal specimens. Meeting European Pharmacopoeia, United States Pharmacopeia, and International Organization for Standardization standards, it ensures reliable fungal culture results. Used with selective supplements, it aids in detecting and identifying fungal pathogens in veterinary samples, supporting the diagnosis and treatment of fungal infections in animals.


Yeasts and molds Non selective enumeration


  • Clinical
  • Final product Quality Control
  • Food
  • General cultivation
  • Pharmaceutical/Veterinary


  • European Pharmacopoeia
  • ISO 11133
  • ISO 16212
  • USP

Pack size*

500 g


Dextrose 40   Bacteriological agar 15
Mixture of peptic digest of animal tissue and pancreatic digest of casein (1:1) 10

  • Categories : Cell Culture, Media,