Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium Low Glucose with L-Glutamine with 25mM Hepes with Sodium Pyruvate

Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium Low Glucose with L-Glutamine with 25mM Hepes with Sodium Pyruvate

  • Size : 500 ml

Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium Low Glucose with L-Glutamine with 25mM Hepes with Sodium Pyruvate is a specialized cell culture medium designed to support the growth and maintenance of various cell types in vitro. With a lower concentration of glucose compared to standard DMEM, this medium is particularly suitable for cells with low metabolic demands or those sensitive to high glucose levels. The addition of L-Glutamine, Hepes buffer, and Sodium Pyruvate ensures optimal cell health and viability during culture, making it an ideal choice for a wide range of cell culture applications.


  • Categories : Cell Culture, Media,