DPBS 10X w/o Calcium w/o Magnesium

DPBS 10X w/o Calcium w/o Magnesium

  • Size : 500 ml

Dulbecco’s Phosphate Buffered Saline (DPBS) is intended for use in the maintenance of mammalian cells physiology and morphology. DPBS is commonly used for rinsing cells and in many chromatographic procedures or in cell enumeration as a diluent. DPBS is also used to wash cells during the dissociation process.

This reference is concentrated 10X and has neither calcium nor magnesium ions in its composition so it doesn’t inhibit the activity of the trypsin.


  • Shipping conditionsRoom Temperature
  • State: Liquid
  • Shelf life: 48 months
  • Storage: Room Temperature
  • Sterility: Sterile filtered


  • Cell culture
  • Biochemical/cellular assay

Formulation without calcium and magnesium

The product is intended to be used in vitro, in laboratory only. Do not use it in therapy, human or veterinary applications.

  • Categories : Cell Culture, Media,