

  • Size : 100 ml

Amniopan is a specialized culture medium designed for the isolation and cultivation of amniotic fluid cells obtained during prenatal diagnostic procedures. This medium provides optimal conditions to support the growth and proliferation of amniocytes, facilitating their expansion for downstream applications such as karyotyping, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), and other molecular genetic analyses.

Amniopan is formulated with essential nutrients, growth factors, and supplements to promote cell viability and maintain genomic stability during cell culture. It is optimized to sustain the unique requirements of amniotic fluid cells, ensuring reliable results and minimizing the risk of cellular stress or contamination.

With its standardized formulation and consistent performance, Amniopan offers researchers and clinicians a reliable solution for the successful cultivation and analysis of amniotic fluid cells. It enables accurate prenatal diagnosis and genetic testing, contributing to improved patient care and informed decision-making during pregnancy.

  • Categories : Cell Culture, Media,