Amphotericin B (Fungizone)

Amphotericin B (Fungizone)

  • Size : 250 ug/ml

Amphotericin B, also known by the brand name Fungizone, is a widely used antifungal medication. It belongs to the class of polyene antifungals and is effective against a broad spectrum of fungal infections. Amphotericin B works by binding to ergosterol, a component of fungal cell membranes, leading to disruption of membrane integrity and ultimately causing cell death. It is commonly used to treat severe fungal infections, including those caused by Candida, Aspergillus, and Cryptococcus species. Amphotericin B is available in various formulations, including intravenous, oral, and topical forms, and is typically administered under medical supervision due to its potential for side effects, including kidney toxicity.

  • Categories : Cell Culture, Media,