Products list

Showing 9 to 16 of 310 Products

The Fusion Solo S is the ideal system for laboratories that need to find an alternative to their film for Western blot imaging.

The E-Box is the ideal stand-alone imaging system for your gel documentation. It offers the best sensitivity and speed, and reaches the lowest limits of detection for your DNA, RNA and protein applications.

The Quantum combines unrivaled ease of use and gel imaging performance. You just need one click to the image without.

Explore our comprehensive Food Safety PCR Kit, meticulously designed to safeguard consumers and uphold industry standards. With a focus on accuracy and efficiency, our PCR kit empowers food manufacturers, regulatory agencies, and quality c...

Introducing our advanced Food & Waterborne Pathogen PCR Kit, your solution for rapid and accurate detection of pathogens in food and water samples. Engineered with cutting-edge technology, our PCR kit enables food safety professionals,...

This product is an animal gene that is qualitatively detected by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) to detect foot-and-mouth disease virus type O, A, and Asia1 pathogens in animal tissues, saliva, Detection kit.

This product is a qualitative RT-PCR testing product with CLP™ technology which provided flexibility in Tm (melting temperature) of primer design for optimization of reaction condition, and maximizes RT-PCR specificity and sensitivit...

This product is qualitatively analyzed by RT-PCR (Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction) to detect the pathogen of Rabbit hemorrhagic disease (RHD) against rabbit tuber, Detecting gene detection kit.