Fusion Solo S

Fusion Solo S

Modular And Upgradable


The Fusion Solo S is the ideal system for laboratories that need to find an alternative to their film for Western blot imaging.



  • Dedicated chemiluminescence system, with bioluminescence and extendable fluorescence capabilities
  • Optional epi or trans-illumination options for blot or gel
  • Adaptable to Spectra Capsules for Epi UV, blue, green, red, NIR, IR fluorescence options on blots


Ideal For Quantification

  • Reproducible and comparable quantification data
  • ImageMaster™ technology to obtain the optimum image for quantification
  • Scientific TIFF file or proprietary file format
  • Clarity™ technology for razor sharp band revelation without affecting data integrity


Long Lasting High Quality

  • Stainless steel, aluminium and steel darkroom for the best robustness
  • Proven camera robustness

  • Categories : Instrument, Protemics,