Colcemid 10 μg/ml in PBS (Demecolcin)

Colcemid 10 μg/ml in PBS (Demecolcin)

Colcemid prevents the formation of the spindle responsible for cell division during the process of mitosis, resulting in a cell cycle arrest and an increase in cell metaphases. It allows chromosomes to be separated for cytogenic studies and in vitro diagnostic assays.

One application of colcemid solution is the harvesting lymphocytes culture in metaphase for in-situ hybridization assays.


  • Shipping conditions: Room temperature or refrigerated transport
  • State: Liquid
  • Shelf life: 24 months
  • Storage: +2/+8°C.
  • Sterility: Sterile filtered


  • Cell culture
  • Karyotyping
  • in vitro cytogenetic diagnostic

  • Categories : Cell Culture, Cytogenetics,