Premix Ex Taq master mix for probe-based real-time PCR

Premix Ex Taq master mix for probe-based real-time PCR

Premix Ex Taq (Probe qPCR) is a 2X premix for real-time PCR (qPCR) detection with probe-based qPCR or 5' nuclease assays. The 2X premix includes Takara Ex Taq HS, which contains a hot start PCR enzyme with an anti-Taq antibody, and a buffer optimized for real-time PCR. The resulting premix allows excellent suppression of non-specific amplification, high amplification efficiency, and high detection sensitivity in real-time PCR analyses. In addition, Tli RNaseH, a heatresistant RNaseH, is included to minimize PCR inhibition from residual mRNA in reactions using cDNA templates. This product is excellent for high-speed PCR and allows accurate target quantification and detection over a broad dynamic range, making it possible to conduct highly reproducible and reliable real-time PCR analyses.

  • Categories : PCR Kits, Research Applications, Real-Time PCR