MagaBio plus Maxi Whole Blood Genomic DNA Purification Kit

MagaBio plus Maxi Whole Blood Genomic DNA Purification Kit

This product is a highly efficient and high-purity DNA extraction solution specifically designed for whole blood samples. Through a unique and precisely designed reagent formula and process, it achieves rapid and effective purification of genomic DNA from blood samples.

In the core extraction process of this product, a combination of efficient lysis buffer and proteinase K is first used, which can rapidly and thoroughly release DNA from proteins and other cellular components in blood samples, significantly improving the efficiency of blood sample lysis. Specially added unique whole blood releasing agent optimizes the conditions for DNA release in whole blood environment, ensuring high concentration and high quality DNA.

The next key step involves the use of magnetic bead technology specifically binding to DNA, where the released DNA is accurately adsorbed onto the magnetic beads. Utilizing magnetic materials for capture allows the DNA-bound magnetic beads to be easily separated from the solution, greatly simplifying and accelerating the separation process.

Subsequently, a precise washing procedure is designed to effectively remove impurities and contaminants without damaging the DNA, further enhancing DNA purity.

Finally, by using carefully prepared elution buffer, DNA can be gently eluted from the magnetic beads completely, obtaining high-quality DNA products suitable for subsequent experimental procedures and long-term storage.


Simple Operation: Samples can be directly added to pre-packaged strips for extraction and purification, making the process easy to operate.

High Safety: Safe and non-toxic, free from hazardous reagents. 

Fast and Efficient: When used with the NPA-16H automated nucleic acid extraction purification instrument, it can simultaneously purify 16 samples in approximately 50 minutes.



  • Genetic Studies
  • Disease Research
  • Pharmacogenomics
  • Population Genetics

  • Categories : Nucleic Acid Extraction Kits, Purification and Cleaning,