2X PCR Master mix Solution (i-MAXⅡ) 0.5 ㎖ x 2 vials

2X PCR Master mix Solution (i-MAXⅡ) 0.5 ㎖ x 2 vials


2x PCR Master mix type with high sensitivity, accuracy and low error rate, capable of amplification from small size DNA to DNA of more than 20 Kb with a proofreading function

• Ready to Use - All reagents required for the reaction are in solution in the tube - Immediate PCR by adding template and primer

• PCR reaction volume control

• High accuracy and low error rate - Proof-reading activity enables amplification of long DNA template - Ensures high amplification efficiency for amplification of long and short template DNA

• Cloned DNA, human genomic DNA, as well as GC-rich or looped sequences that are difficult to amplify AND applicable to various DNA 2x PCR Master Mix Solution (i-MAXTM II) is a product designed to achieve the best results with simple 2x master mix type in one tube, including all components necessary for PCR reaction including i-MAXTM II DNA Polymerase is.

This product is able to perform PCR by adding template DNA, primer set and D.W only, and gel loading buffer is included, so gel loading can be done without any other treatment. The i-MAXTM II DNA Polymerase used in this product has the advantages of Taq DNA Polymerase and Pfu DNA Polymerase to overcome the disadvantages of each enzyme and to obtain new functions. It has a proofreading function, Kb) to 20 Kb or more.

  • Categories : PCR Kits, Research Applications, Conventional PCR